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From Our Graduates


At Rhema Christian School, we equip students with the tools and skills needed to meet with new friends and keep their faith heading into high school and beyond.

"I wasn’t just prepared for high school and university; I was prepared to live out my faith in a broken world, and to be a part of the solution."


“I attended Rhema for ten years, and in those ten years I never truly appreciated Rhema until after they were over. Four years ago today, I would have been anticipating starting high school. I would have been thinking nervously about the days ahead. Was I ready to handle a new school, new kids, and new pressures? Looking back now, I realize that I was more than ready. I worried about making friends; Rhema had already taught me how. I wondered if my teachers would like me; Rhema had taught me to treat all adults with respect. I wondered if I would be able to maintain my faith; Rhema had built a firm foundation, that, I can now proudly say has lasted through four years of high school, and will last through four years of university.


“When I think back on my time at Rhema, I no longer remember specific days or even moments. Instead, I remember feeling accepted, loved, and cared for.  I don’t remember specific math lessons or the books we read. Instead, I remember learning about friendship, faith and forgiveness.


“I went to Rhema for an education, and I got it. But I wasn’t just prepared for high school and university; I was prepared to live out my faith in a broken world and to be a part of the solution.

“When I graduated from Rhema, I had a better idea of who I was, and, more importantly, whom I wanted to be. And that, I think, is the greatest lesson Rhema ever taught me.”


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