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Extra-Curricular Activites


Praise Team


At the grade 7 and 8 level, we have a Praise Team. This group of students practices once a week and performs leads worship for chapels, assemblies, membership meetings etc.


Science Club


This club is open to students from grades one through eight.  The club meets once a week where the students learn fascinating things about God’s world.  They also get to go on fun science field trips.  Each year Rhema has a special science fair at the school involving the Science Club members.  The Science Club also enters their projects in the Trent University Science Fair each year.



Our Lord blessed us with voices to praise him.  Rhema has a special choir that sings at events like the Festival of Trees, Christmas musical and GrandFriends Day.

Intramural Games


Intramural games are considered an extra-curricular part of our program at Rhema. Intramural games are held at lunch recess and can include grades 2–8, depending on the game. Participation is completely voluntary and is not based on skill level. However, if a student signs up, it is expected that they will honour that commitment and continue to support their team. Deciding to quit while that intramural activity is still ongoing is frowned upon, and could prohibit that student from signing up for the next intramural activity. Intramural games are typically team-based and offer a chance for students to develop and practice skills that have been taught in the required Phys. Ed. program in a fun, yet competitive way.

Class Trips


Field trips enhance classroom learning by providing your child with opportunities to experience curriculum content in a meaningful context. Generally, a teacher will choose a particular excursion because it relates to an aspect of the curriculum.

Bus transportation is required for all normal class trips that take place during the school day, within or outside of Peterborough.

Spirit Days and Pizza Days


Each month on Pizza Day, we also have Spirit Day. A different class chooses the Spirit Day theme each month. Students are encouraged to show their school spirit by dressing according to the theme. Some highlights from the past are Fake Injury Day and Superhero Day.

GrandFriends Day


Held on a Friday in the spring, this day has become a highlight for our grandparents, senior friends, students and staff. GrandFriends are treated to a delicious brunch, invited to tour the classrooms and then attend a presentation or program put on by the students. This day is meant for grandparents and senior friends of our students.

School Music Programs


Each year at Christmas, and again in the Spring, the students of our school celebrate their dramatic and musical gifts in musical performances. These are highlights of the school year and attendance is encouraged.

Meet-the-Teacher BBQ


On an evening during the week prior to the start of school, all families of the school are invited to a BBQ, followed by an opportunity to visit the classrooms. This is a great social opportunity and a wonderful time to get acquainted or renew contacts. Don’t miss this event.

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