At Rhema Christian School, we teach all subject areas. Our Christian worldview permeates every subject we teach.
Biblical Studies
No book can be more important to Christian school than the Bible. It is the basic textbook for all of life. In school, the Bible has a three-fold function.
At the primary levels, the emphasis is on Bible stories where biblical characters and events are highlighted. These stories all serve to tell the one story of the love of God. In the higher grades, the Bible becomes a study of the historical-redemptive acts of God. Here a student progresses from Creation through Revelation; discovering how God has provided man with His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the key integrating factor in the curriculum of the Christian school. The biblical view is incorporated into the content of all subjects taught. The Bible, itself, serves as a supplementary text that pupils need to refer to whether the subject be Science, Geography or Reading.
Language Arts
The ability to communicate is a gift from God. Communication involves various skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. The home provides the groundwork for these communication skills. The school develops and refines them.
The Christian school devotes a fair portion of time in the curriculum to the teaching and learning of these four skills. The subjects of Reading, Phonics, Grammar, Penmanship, Spelling and Creative Writing all enhance the learning of sound communication skills. Rhema Christian School is also committed to the instruction of French. Teaching French is important because of the bilingual and multicultural character of our country. All Canadians share responsibilities of caring and understanding each other.
In Science, the focus of the Christian school is on Creation. Rhema Christian School teaches Science in a way that upholds the certainty of the Creation account in Genesis 1 and 2. The world and universe are understood to be the handiwork of the Lord, which He has entrusted to the care of man, the Crown of Creation.
Science, in the Christian school, points the pupil to discover the structure and order within the Creation. The pupils are taught to see that the laws of nature are upheld by God. Imagine, if you can, that God would set aside the Law of Gravity for one day, even for one hour! The responsibilities of man towards nature are also important educational goals for the Christian school. The pupils must see themselves as stewards (keepers) of this earth.
The Christian recognizes two aspects of God’s creation upon which the study of Mathematics is based. They are, first, that all things can be numbered. There is a numerical aspect to all things in the creation. Secondly, all things can be described by measurement in some way or another. All mathematical activity is based on these creational structures, simple though they seem. Just as 3 + 2 = 5 relates to counting, A = R relates to spatial measurement. The Christian school must guide the pupil so that he understands that he must use numbers obediently before God. For example, he must not use mathematical procedures to cheat or misguide his neighbours, but rather to build up his neighbours.
Social Studies
It is in this subject area where the Christian school can portray the biblical view that man is always to be understood in relation to God, to his neighbour, and to his world. The scriptural view of man—created in the image of God, fallen into sin, and restored through faith in Jesus Christ—is the foundation upon which all instruction is based.
In the primary grades, Social Studies is basically descriptive, informing the pupil of the relationships present in communities and in nature. In higher grades, Social Studies becomes History and Geography. In History, the past actions of men and nations are studied. Motivations behind events in history are studied. In Geography, the concept of culture developing in response to a religious commitment is highlighted.
Physical Education
The area of physical education is also an important facet of the education of a child. The Christian school recognizes its obligation to help develop proper coordination and conditioning in its pupils. In addition, the development of proper biblical attitudes toward the use of one’s body is also taught. Various games are taught and played so that the pupils will develop sound bodies but also develop good sportsman-like conduct in group situations. Competition within limits can be an encouragement to pupils to do well, in team games or individual events. Proper care must always be taken to ensure that elitism based on athletic prowess does not occur. The playground or the sports field is then an important part of the education of the child in the Christian school.
The Arts
God created man a complex being with many facets or aspects. One of these aspects of humanity is aesthetic. The Christian school views this aesthetic or artistic dimension of the pupil as a gift of God. Each pupil should be encouraged to express himself artistically and so develop his talents and become aware of the talents of others. It is for this reason that the teaching of the Visual Arts, Drama and Music are considered important parts in the Christian school curriculum. The pupils are to be led in the expression of their faith and talents through these varied but beautiful art forms.
Computers and Technology
Since Adam and Eve’s fall into sin, people have been tool makers. In large part, we do this to offset the effects of sin on our lives: to make work easier, to extend our lives, to accomplish tasks more effectively, to communicate more efficiently, and so on. In this way, technology is a byproduct of scientific research and discovery. But technology can also be an extension of the aesthetic side of our beings. It can be used to help create, express, represent, and communicate our most important ideas. We believe that technology–as the tool of people—falls naturally within God’s created order. As with all things, it must be used responsibly with a view towards improving students’ experience of education and enhancing their participation in God’s kingdom in the world.